Thursday, February 12, 2009

Coca Cola: Classic red and... green? Praised for reducing emissions, Coke is going Green

Coca-Cola's South Bronx distribution center is the celebrated site for its newest of Green successes. Mayor Bloomberg visited the site to see the addition of five new hybrid-electric trucks and to commend the team for reducing carbon emissions.

This is especially important since Coke is an international company, seen and respected by millions globally. This news not only helps Coca-cola but will also help New York City's image. Since NYC is a well-known city around the world, it's significant when it takes the lead on issues like air pollution and global warming.

The new trucks use 32% less fuel and are powered solely on electricity, producing zero emissions, and traveling at low speeds. This mark a trend for global companies that originated in the US and might help move the rest of the world to engage in similar practices. The United States' entrepreneurial environment is an ideal place for new technology and innovation to become a reality.

However, Coke may have just seen this as a PR opportunity and a chance to show a better side of a giant multinational company. Regardless, it's always nice to read these stories and let's hope for a greener future and more corporate responsibility!

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